Andy’s summer at Sentry

My internship at Sentry can be defined in five main categories: videos, email campaigns, events, social media, and customer success.



During my time at Sentry, I was able to complete two videos for the company and shot preliminary videos for potential videos for the future. The two videos I did complete were the summary of the IIT conference and The Boy Who Cried Wolf video. In both videos, besides simply recording the videos, I was responsible for storyboarding (planning, outlining, and designing the structure of the video) as well as any necessary costume and prop design. I also have documented extensive “b-roll” footage for future videos. B-roll footage is simply stock footage of and interviews with our employees. They can be deployed for future videos relating to the company such as “About Us” videos or VC pitches.


Email Campaigns

During my time at Sentry, I sent six email campaigns. In chronological order: TiECon Invitation, Daily Reports Launch, Customer Feedback Survey, May Newsletter, Trial User Conversion, and IIT event invitation. In this process, I learned how to make email templates, write customer oriented emails, and basic email graphic design. I also did email research to optimize distribution scheduling. On top of these email campaigns, I also helped Claire create Trial and Customer on-boarding emails for Blue Iris Smart Alerts using Mail Chimp. Once again, this helped exercise my email writing skills.



I photographed and videographed at the two events that we went to, TiECon and IIT Bay Area Conference. I have compiled the videos and photos and uploaded onto our team drive.


Social Media

I wrote one blogspot post for a TiECon summary and a social media post for the IIT Conference invitation. I was able to learn how to write a blogpost and make more social media oriented posts. This meant usage of hashtags and increasing SEO by using unique links.


Customer Success

In Customer Success, I worked primarily on the website and the customer feedback survey. On the website, I began working on the Zoho Chat Bot, but because of a lack of documentation was not able to fully implement the chat bot. However, I was able to successfully redesign the Sentry Blue Iris page. The new page is structured in an outline that follows my basic market research of similar more established businesses such as Tile and Ring. For this webpage, I was responsible for creating the content, wireframing (mock up), and executing the creation of the webpage. You can view it at Besides the website I also created the customer feedback survey based on the criteria provided by Claire, Ari, and Hien. This proved to be pretty difficult because each individual wanted questions that would help them get better insight in their area of concentration. It required me balancing the needs of each team member and succinctly putting together a summary of the questions. It was really fun to do and we ultimately were able to get over 70 responses! Towards the end of my internship I also did some competitor analysis under Ari’s supervision. This was also fun because we were able to dissect and search our market for ideas as well as learn from the shortcomings of similar businesses.